Tattooing is a kind of body art that has been embraced world over by both men and women. Although the designs can be worn by both men and women, there are certain types of tattoo designs that are quite gender specific with one of them being the bow tattoo design that’s common with women. Bow tattoos are quite fascinating especially when worn by women and this post is filled with some of the inspiring designs that one can choose from.
Why women should consider getting a bow tattoo: As the bow tie simply depicts the tying up of something, then pulled back and released, women may find this really symbolic as it points to the way women have been liberated in recent times. Sometimes even men go for this tattoo, especially those who have gone through a similar experience of suppression and release.
In this article we will tell you about the choices you have with regards to design for bow tattoos and what they could mean. We hope by doing that we will be able to provide you inspiration for your own bow tattoo design.
What a bow tattoo means to women: A bow tattoo can be made to look really cute or decorative and they are quite in fashion. Some women go with a bow tattoo as it works with many of accessories that they like to wear. The size of the bow tattoo can vary depending where you want to get it. The most common areas for getting a bow tattoo are the wrist, the legs and the arms.
The meanings of bow tattoos.
The bow tattoo carry a lot of symbolic value specific to the person who gets this tattoo. The meaning naturally depends on what you feel about it and also the type of bow tattoo design that you are going with.
The most common meaning and symbolism that is associated with bow tattoos is about sharing and giving, the present time, female power, expertise, a hug, something to do with a gift of love.
Designs for Bow tattoos
You do have many alternatives when it comes designs of bow tattoos. You can choose to vary the size of the bow, the type of bow, the color of the bow and the shape of the bow. With so much choice at hand, you are free to customize something unique for yourself. Women tend to use colors that are bright like purple, red and pink. But the fact is that you could choose the color you want to make your own bow tattoo.
Bow tattoo with ribbon: Sometimes people go with the ribbon that is used for cancer along with the bow tattoo. Maybe they want to depict fighting and winning over cancer with this type of bow tattoo.
The tiny bows are common features when it comes to wrapping gifts and wearing them may carry some symbolism that may be unique to the wearer. The bow tattoo design below is a peculiar piece of artwork and fits well on the neck where it’s worn.
Use of vibrant colors blends well with female tattoo wearer’s and is a common feature in bow tattoo designs. A mixture of color maroon and black in the design below looks beautiful on the wearer.
Bow tattoo designs is a major preference amongst women tattoo lovers. The design fits well on any part of the body and can be worn either as a tiny design or some large design. The design below is quite tiny and fits well on the finger where its worn.
The design below is quite elegant with the one color used greatly enhancing the overall outlook of the design. Many female tattoo lovers find bow tattoos to be quite ideal as it suits all age groups and is ever trendy.
Whether you’re using bold colors or dots like in the design below, the ways that one can use for wearing bow tattoos seems limitless as one is free to customize a design that best suits their interest.
The symbolic meaning of bow tattoos:
Bow tattoos are not only worn for their beauty and charm, they also carry some deep meaning and having knowledge of what they symbolize can be of great help to the wearer. Bows are often formed by tying a lose knot of a thread or ribbon which then results into a unique and fascinating appearance.
The design is said to symbolize liberation and a cool attitude which most modern women can associate with as no one is there to judge them on how they do everything. The design below looks spectacular and greatly enhances the flawless body of the wearer.
Bow tattoos also symbolize femininity, specialty and even love as the beautiful bows are generally used for tying special gifts. The design below is artistically designed with beautiful color combination that makes the design to be quite appealing.
Bow tattoos designs also symbolize the spirit of giving and receiving which is a common virtue in women. The fact that the designs can be worn on any part of the body makes them to be quite versatile and appealing to tattoo lovers.
Some of the common places on the human body where the tattoo can be worn include the wrists like in the design below, the back of the ear, the finger, lower back, shoulder amongst others with each design greatly enhancing the overall outlook of the wearer.
The bow tattoo design below creates such a magnificent outlook as it blends quite well with the wearer’s complexion. The tattoo design can be easily mistaken to be a bracelet or some ornament.
There are various elements that can be incorporated in bow tattoo designs like the use of flowers and other beautiful elements just like shown in the design below. The color combination and the floral elements used in the design below looks fabulous and blends well with the wearer’s complexion.
The bow tattoo is also perceived to symbolize a special event in the wearer’s life. It can be worn as a commemoration of some event that the wearer finds exciting and memorable. The pink color tied around the wrist looks quite cool and eye-catching.
Bow tattoos are also commonly used as an awareness drive and by wearing them one may be identifying with the kind of issue that awareness is being created about. The design below fits quite well on the back where it’s worn.
The spotted colors on the bow tattoo design below makes the design to look more fabulous as it looks more like a butterfly. The use of two colors also blends well with the wearer’s complexion.
Some of the elements commonly used in bow tattoo designs are stripes, polka dots and many others just like in the design below. The color used in the design blends quite well with the wearer’s complexion as it also enhances the visual appeal.
Bow tattoos are all about femininity and playfulness and the colors used should express that aspect just like in the design below. The tiny bow with pink and black colors looks fantastic on the wearer’s feet.
Some of the common elements that can be incorporated with bow tattoo designs include the flowers, diamonds, birds, butterflies and chains amongst others. Bow tattoos can also be expressed in a way that gives them shadow effect as that helps in enhancing the overall outlook of the design.
Th bow tattoo design below is quite simple and spectacular. The design fits well on the hand and can be perceived to express a permanent ring worn by the wearer.
Bow tattoos can also be customized into designs that best suits one’s meaning and symbolism. The design below looks spectacular and may have meanings that are are unique to the wearer.
The design below looks so real, its like the tattoo wearer has worn an actual lace with a bow attached to it. The mixture of red and black colors also blends well with the wearer.
There are bow tattoo designs that are popular with the female tattoo lovers. The fact that the designs can be simplified to something similar to wearing a beautiful ring makes them quite magnificent and appealing when worn.
The butterfly feature incorporated in the bow tattoo design below looks spectacular and blends well with the complexion of the wearer. Bow tattoos can be used alongside other tattoo designs for a richer and eye-catching piece of design.
Bow tattoo designs provides female tattoo lovers with a unique way of expressing their femininity and love for the art just like in the design below. The designs below looks quite eye-catching in the place where they are worn.
Bow tattoo designs has a way of enhancing that inner charm and beauty that women carry and the choice of color and artistic design goes along way in enhancing the overall outlook. The design below looks simple and fits well on the place its worn.
Most bow tattoo designs are inked in either one or two colors which makes the entire design to blend quite well with the wearer’s complexion. The pink colors used in the design below are quite visually appealing.
Bow tattoos comes in subtle shapes and cool colors that makes the designs to look spectacular regardless of the place its worn. The tattoo is generally small which makes it fit well in some of the body parts like the one below.
The stylish nature of the ribbon is one aspect that women love as it ignites some inner feelings of beauty and one of the reason why bow tattoos are common with women especially those embracing the art for the first time.
The pink color used in the bow tattoo design below blends quite well with the lace and the colors used in the design. The design that one opts for has a way of expressing the wearer’s attitude, lifestyle and even enhancing the wearer’s appearance.
The best way to enhance that girlish style if you are a tattoo lover is by wearing the bow tattoos just like expressed in the design below. It’s a reminder of the beautiful ribbons that girls would tie their hair with which also enhances that beautiful feeling in the wearer.
If you are to attain that beautiful design then apart from choosing a beautiful design, you also need to look for a tattoo artist that has clear understanding of the kind of design that you want. The design below looks spectacular with the combination of colors blending quite well with the wearer’s complexion.
Bow tattoos just like any other girl’s tattoo is generally used in expressing feelings and emotions of compassion, love and beauty. The beautiful bright colors used in the design also enhances the overall outlook of the design resulting into something quite beautiful and eye-catching.
The place the tattoo design is worn also matters especially if the wearer is for a larger design like the one below. The design is large enough and fits well on the lower back where its worn.
This is a perfect design for a girl that wants some small tattoo design. The bow is intricately designed with beautiful colors that makes the entire design to be quite appealing.
The elegant pink colored tattoo below looks magnificent on the back where its worn. It creates that sexy and alluring outlook that makes it quite appealing to the eyes.
The tattoo below looks magnificent on the feet where its worn as it creates that feeling that the wearer is putting on some beautiful leg wear. The pink color enhances the femininity of the design with the black colors incorporated blending quite well with the entire design.
Incorporating the element of the skull in the bow tattoo design below makes the entire design to look more stunning and complex as well. The beauty of bow tattoos is the fact that one can incorporate it with elements that they find inspiring.
The design below is a perfect tattoo idea for a girl who wants to show some sexy 3D bow tattoo design. The design is worn in a place that’s visually appealing with the colors used blending perfectly well.
The colored 3D bow tattoo design below is a magnificent piece of artwork. with the white dots and the blue underlying colors adding to the complexity of the design.
The design below is a unique piece of artwork with the bow tattoos uniformly designed and greatly highlighting the wearer’s complexion. The design looks good on a young girl as it carries that beautiful girlish expression.
Regardless of the size of your design, bow tattoos tend to inspire beauty and elegance despite the place they are worn. The beauty and fascination that the design below exudes cannot be ignored. The red and black colors used forms such a unique combination that blends well with the wearer.
Behind the neck is another place that fits well with bow tattoo designs especially for those who are comfortable with showing off their beautiful tattoo designs. The colors used in the design also blends quite well.
The cute red bow tattoos on the girl’s wrists looks spectacular and enhances the beauty of the wearer. The colors blends well with the complexion of the wearer.
The tiny bow tattoo design worn on the leg looks stunning and creates a striking balance with the unique tattoo on the other leg. The one color used in the design also blends well with the wearer.
Bow tattoos with other symbols and components: As far as the addition of extra elements with a bow tattoo is concerned, you have plenty of choice. You can go for a cliche and add a heart or even a stone or any other symbol of luck like a shamrock or clover.
Bow tattoo designs that are sweet, seductive and/or full of mysteries: You can mix up some elements to achieve any of the effects that we have mentioned in the topic above. It is up to your imagination to come up with a suitable design.
Things to keep in mind with regard to bow tattoos:
- Do your research before getting the tattoo done. This way your tattoo will look good and mean a lot to you.
- Always think before you ink. This is something that many of us forget, tattoos like diamonds are forever and need some deep thinking before proceeding into action.
- Bow tattoos are considered to be decorative and thereby quite suitable for women.
- But since they also have a lot of symbolic value, do look around and find the one that appeals to you at all levels.
Here are some beautiful examples of Bow Tattoo :
The incorporation of the bow tattoo with other elements like in the design below creates such a complex and magnificent piece of artwork. The design looks beautiful as it takes the shape of a butterfly.
Whether you are into simple or complex designs, you will definitely get a bow tattoo design idea that’s inspiring and worth trying out. The design below is a beautiful piece of artwork with a color combination that blends perfectly well.
The design below looks quite stylish with the flowery elements adding to the complexity and elegance of the design. The pink colors also blends quite well with the black colors used in the design.
The simple bow tattoo on the girl’s leg looks cute and quite eye-catching. The tattoo is eye-catching and beautifully enhances the overall outlook of the wearer.
Wearing bow tattoo on the fingers is common and ideal for those who prefer tiny designs just like the one below. The tattoo can easily be assumed as ring that one is wearing.
The combination of lace with the colorful bow tattoo creates such a magnificent look on the back shoulder of the wearer. The design is elegant and covers a wider space which also enhances the overall outlook.
The design below is not only simple but quite artistically designed with the knot tied in a fabulous way. The colors used also blends well with the wearer’s complexion and color of the hair.
Enhance that sexy look with beautiful bow tattoos worn strategically like in the design below. The design looks good and creates more attention to the wearer’s features.
The 3D bow tattoo design below looks so real on the wrist and is quiet eye catching. The colors used blends perfectly well with the wearer’s complexion
Ignite those beautiful girlish memories with beautifully designed bow tattoos that blends perfectly well with the wearer’s complexion and other features.
The bow tattoo design below is an intricate piece of artwork that looks spectacular on the wearer. The combination of thick black colors and the floral laces creates such a feminine look.
The design below can be easily be perceived as of a girl wearing a pair of stockings with printed bow tattoo designs. The design looks elegant with dimensions of beauty and complexity.
The tape measure themed bow tattoo can be taken to express an inspiration that one may be getting from gazing at the tape measure. It could be an inspiration to lose weight or stay fit by maintaining some size. The design looks cool with colors blending well.
The way colors are used in a particular design also has a way of reinforcing the overall outlook of the tattoo just like expressed in the design below. The shape of the tattoo and the design is artistically done and looks magnificent.
The design below is a complex piece with many elements beautifully combined.
The beautiful blue bow tattoos depicts the playful nature of the girls with the strings holding them.
A beautifully designed bow tattoo will generally look eye-catching regardless of the place the tattoo is worn. The design below is an intricate piece of artwork with powerful color combination.
Simple and elegant is the best description that can be given to the design below.
Bow tattoos provides girls with a great way of expressing their artistic nature. The color combination looks great on the wearer.
Use of several colors is also ideal especially if the wearer finds the combination inspiring and comfortable to wear. The design looks good and can easily pass as a piece of cloth sticked on the wearer’s body.
The design below looks simple with only one color used which also works quite well. The size of the design chosen should fit in the area its worn appropriately for enhanced outlook.
The bow tattoo design below is quite artistically designed and looks like a real piece of cloth. The black color used also blends well with the wearer’s complexion.
Beautiful bow tattoo’s looking cute on the wearer’s feet and matches well with the skin color of the wearer.
The butterfly themed bow tattoo is a beautiful piece of artwork with the colors used blending perfectly well.
Simple and elegant is the best description for the dotted bow tattoo below. The design has a way of enhancing the features of the wearer.
Behind the neck is a common place for wearing bow tattoos however the size chosen should fit well in the given space since the space available is generally small. The colors used and the elements incorporated in the design looks perfectly well.
The design below looks cute with beautiful color combination. The collection of beautiful flowers also fits well as they are circled by the bow tattoo.