I’m bringing sexy back… Literally! Lower back tattoos are one of the sexiest tatts that you can get if you’re a female. They draw attention to the waistline (and below) and can be the start of a great series of tattoos. We’ve rounded up 30 awesome lower back tatts to demonstrate just how sexy they can be!
Tattoos or any form of body art is fun, but the one that tops the list is a lower back tattoo. It is not only the epitome of femininity but also adds to the oomph factor. That is why this location is so popular among the ladies. It helps that you have such a huge choice when it comes to the designs. What is more there are some unbeatable benefits of having a lower back tattoo.
As you read on you will discover the reasons for the popularity:
Top Reasons to go for a lower back tattoos!
- Bigger area: Of all the top reasons for choosing the lower back area for a tattoo, this tops the list. The area for having the tattoo done is definitely large. This does not mean you have to go for a bigger design; you can pick a dainty and delicate design keeping in mind that you can add more to this design if you wish to. The possibilities and scope of what you can do with your body art with regard to the lower back are endless.
- No bumps or bony areas: There is no doubt that the lower back area is relatively one of the smoothest areas in your body. This makes it ideal to get the work done. Imagine a tattoo on your ankle versus one on the lower back. No doubt the one on your lower back will go much easier. Another fact is you can easily show off your tantalizing tattoo on the lower back by the simple means of wearing a shorter top. On the flip side it is also easy to conceal when the situation warrants that you do so.
- Ages well: The thing about the aesthetic value of a tattoo is that with age as you skin changes so does the look of the tattoo. But you have to agree that the lower back is one of the areas on the human body that resists aging very well. It does not matter whether you gain weight or lose it dramatically, the look of the body art that you have on your lower back remains unchanged to a larger extent. The same cannot be said for other areas like arms and legs etc.
- Attractive and eye catching: The point of getting body art done in spite of the pain, expense and time is for it to catch eyeballs. Lower back tattoos definitely delivers on this regard. You can go for one for the sheer look appeal or go in for something that is more symbolic of your beliefs and credo.
We give here some of the most popular lower back tattoos and their significance:
- Butterfly: Not only are butterflies things of beauty , but they also represent the incredible and beautiful process of evolution. Having this tattoo on your lower back, not only looks appealing but it also means that you are looking for or ready for change.
- Heart: There is no doubt that the design of the heart has a lot of value; the heart being the seat of our softer emotions. Done in a tribal art form this can denote love and devotion.
- Flower: Flowers represent the beauty in nature. What is more there is immense choice as far as flower designs are concerned. The significance of flowers can be summed up as purity and hope. Who wouldn’t want that?
- Birds: Birds are colorful and represent the freedom of the skies. Plus another advantage is there are so many motifs and poses to choose from.
Here are some more examples of Sexy Lower Back Tattoos:
Devil and angel cats
This piece takes your love of cats to the extreme! We all feel sometimes that there is a duality in us, an angel and a devil, fighting to see who comes out on top.
The garden
A beautiful scene here across the entire of the back showing trees in fall. A bold tattoo that’s not for the faint of heart!
Just a pattern
This pattern draws attention to the lower back and points down. The symmetry is often a factor in lower back tattoos.
The pheonix
This stylized pheonix if done in the twisted gothic looking style that was very popular about 15 years ago – it’s aged well.
The love heart script
A fresh tattoo that centers around a love heart in the middle. This one is not as clean as we would like to see from a tattoo.
Bold tribal
Tribal tattoos will always be popular due to their fierceness and boldness. This lower back tribal tatt is no exception.
Morphing butterfly
This girl has obviously added to her tattoo collection across the years, with what started of as a simple butterfly at the base of her spine.
Indian designs
This pretty back piece looks pretty amazing! It focuses on intricate, Indian design and is complemmented by the two bold wheels at the bottom.
The corset
The corset tattoo is popular in certain circles and is often accompanied by either lace up stocking tops, or a garter.
Love script
More scripting work centered around a love heart in the middle.This one’s love heart looks slightly tilted – not a good job.
Swirling universe
A great example of a freestyling tattoo that is both artistic and cool. It doesn’t look like this is supposed to be anything in particular.
The bird
This is more of a mid back tattoo than a lower back, but the eagle is extending his claws down to the bottom. Huge!
Bursting star
This bursting star looks like it came straight from out of a video game! We really like the cartoon styling used here.
Lower back script
Another plain script looking example of lower back tattoos. You can get these ones in a dizzying array of styles, just ask your tattooist.
A tree
Trees have become a very popular tattoo over the years, and this on is particularly spooky with it’s craggy branches.
Aztec mess
The two different tattoos here don’t really go together in terms of styling. Perhaps she needs a refresh on the bottom one too.
The butterfly tiger
A unique take on the lower back butterfly tattoo, this one is huge and has a lion popping out of it – pretty neat!
Henna inspired
This beautiful back tattoo is inspired by the temporary tattooing of henna work. This would’ve taken a lot of time!
Red stars
This tattoo varies from the traditional script styling and adds in an array of bright red stars and flowers to give a different effect.
A new tiger
This fresh piece adds to this girls lower back tattoos, in the style of the Japansese tiger. It looks expertly done.
Scripting butterfly
The lower back butterfly is combined with the script style for this two in one style tattoo. This one looks freshly done.
Lower back plus spine
It can be a cool idea to do what this chick has done and combine horizontal lower back tattoos with a vertical part up the spine, too.
A collection of flowers
Flowers will never go out of style when it comes to tattoos. Always wanted to have a garden on you? Try something like this.
Double pistol
Go for punch with a double pistol design on your lower back. If you’re a bit of a bad girl, this one’s for you.
Single flower
Unlike the majority of tattoos we see here, this one contains just a single flower design in the center, with no horizontal detailing.
The saying
The lower back also makes a great place for inking that saying that you just love and describes you exactly.
No regrets
The old “no regrets” tattoo, this time makes an appearance on the lower back, combined with a barbed wire effect.
Single bow
Bows make very pretty tattoos where ever you choose to put them. We like this lower back placement for something different.
On the side
You don’t always have to do what everyone else is doing! This example of lower back tattoos is on the side instead of in the middle for a more interesting effect.
We really like the style in which this flowers on a branch tattoo has been done with the surrounding ink work.
The warrior
This Roman style tattoo is expertly done. There is so much detail that has been inked with the most steady hand!
We aren’t quite sure what this design is, but it looks cool anyway! Maybe a tree, some flowers, and…? What do you see?
Lower back saying
Another great example of a meaningful saying placed on the lower back. Another popular spot for these type of tatts is the ribs.
Plus piercings
We really like the combo here of the brilliant large bow tattoo and the matching dermal piercings. Why not have both?
Shaded script
The shading on this tattoo is just divine. If you’re thinking about all black ink, then you might like to think again.
This set of stylized roses is an interesting combination of different styles of tattooing. While we’re not sure if it works, kudos for giving it a go.
The pinup
Love pinup tattoos? Why not get one on your lower back? This one has been done by a master tattooist, look at that detail!
Curling around the front
You might like to have a think about whether you’d also like to have your lower back tattoos curl around to the front, like we see here.
Roses and lace
We simply love, love, love the lace work here. This tattoo would’ve taken a really long time to do! What started out as a simple love heart has been made into something much more awesome.