There is one common drive within people, the desire to be unique and outstanding in diverse ways. Nothing makes that more realistic than adorning an artistically designed behind the ear tattoo. Just imagine that you are sitting near your computer doing your work and your colleague who is passing by says, “ Do not move, there is a bug in your ear”. You can grin, turn around and tell them that it is an ear tattoo.
Why get a behind the ear tattoo?
Behind the ear tattoo is not only beautiful but also has a way of enhancing one’s personality and can be worn in different sizes and shapes. Tattoos are about expressing yourself and symbolism and although they come in diverse sizes and shapes adorning something that is more appealing can be of great impact to one’s personality.
The ear is a great location and comes with endless possibilities regarding where a tattoo can be worn. There are numerous options for the back of the neck tattoos with options for making it hidden if you want to or selectively displaying it. You can get it on shell of the ear, behind the ear, on your ear lobe or the area from behind your ear to the neck. A lot of people like to get inked on the flat of the upper ear rim.
In case you are bored with the tattoo, the ear tattoo is easy enough to be removed; simply lop of the ear. Just kidding!
On a serious note, if you are considering an ear tattoo, the way to go would be with smaller ones. After all the area you have to work with is limited. But you can and should let your imagination, the talent of the artist and some research give you some mind blowing results that are worth the strain.
As with any tattoo, do spend time thinking about your motivations behind getting the tattoo and also the fact that you have to live with it forever. According to people who have gotten a tattoo on the ear, the pain is quite tolerable. It goes without saying that you do have to resist the itching that will occur when the tattoo area is healing. You will have to resist scratching that itch but this is essential for the tattoo to heal well and look good in the long run.
Do consider all the pros and cons of getting an ear tattoo. A tattoo never augurs well for you in the long run if it is out of an impulse decision. Every aspect of the tattoo starting from the why and what of design to the time and commitment in terms of money should be considered. Also do consider that a tattoo may have implications on the future if you are prepared to deal with it.
Plus in an ear tattoo, you do have to consider that though it is easier to conceal a tattoo on the face or the neck, it is still going to be visible. This means that you have to be prepared to answer the questions and doubts that people may raise about it.
In case you are prepared for all these factors, then move on to researching a design that will work with the particular area that you are getting tattooed. Then talk to the artist about how much time your ear tattoo will require along with the pain and cost factor. Only then you should go ahead with it.
Some of the design possibilities include:
- A small and cute design on the ear lobe,
- A secret and significant design behind the ear,
- An elaborate design that covers the entire ear,
- A long and involved design from the tip of the ear to the neck.
Top Behind the Ear Tattoos
If you are looking forward to designing behind the ear tattoos then I would advice that you don’t settle on any design before scrolling up to end of the page. Below are some of the artistic behind the ear tattoos that you may consider trying out.
Behind the ear tattoos can either be done from the inside or behind the ear and regardless of your preference and you will definitely get artistic designs that best suits your need. The below behind the ear tattoo can be assumed to mean loss of a dear one by the wearer as the place is somehow hidden and only visible when looked at closely.
Just like any other tattoo design, adding elements like a bee and color greatly works to enhance the general outlook of a design. The behind the ear tattoo design below looks quite spectacular with the colors blending well with the wearer.
Behind the ear tattoos come in different designs like the butterfly design, tribal, elephant, cat, star, flowers and even the numerical letters like the one below. The one color used on the design is quite eye-catching and looks so natural. The design and color blends quite well with the wearer’s complexion.
The design of a flying bird in the behind the ear tattoo design below is quite spectacular and may have deep meanings for the wearer. Wearing such a design can be a constant reminder that you are advancing or moving forward despite the challenges which is quite inspiring.
Behind the ear tattoo is a design that is common with celebrities, they are tiny and cute and can be worn by both females and males. The behind the ear tattoo design below looks quite elegant with the color combination used making it more fascinating.
Behind the ear tattoo design below looks elegant with the red and brown combination of colors matching quite well. The way the tattoo is worn is also quite elaborate and enhances the general outlook of the wearer.
Behind the ear tattoo designs is one of the best ways to express designs that one may not want everyone to see. They are unique in design and can be used to express meanings that one finds personal. The tattoo design below can be easily confused for an earing as it ends up hanging below the ear which makes it more beautiful and appealing to the eyes.
The behind ear tattoo is growing in popularity with many ladies opting for these design that look delicate yet quite elegant especially when the inking is artistically done. It is however important that you get to analyze the design well so that you end up with a design that you are comfortable with.
The lovely design of birds flying in the behind the ear tattoo design below is such a magnificent artwork with the color of the design blending quite well with the wearer’s complexion. Behind the ear tattoos can be worn in numerous ways and has a unique way of enhancing the wearer’s outlook.
Some of the tips to consider when selecting behind the ear tattoo:
Size of the tattoo: It is important to note that not all the designs may look good on you as they do on other people. That’s why carrying out a proper research on the right design and the best artist for the job is important. Just like in the design below, although it looks spectacular on the wearer, the same may not be realized by another person.
Level of comfort: Another factor that should influence your behind the tattoo choice is your level of comfort with the design. A design may look elegant but you may still find that you are not very comfortable with the design. It is therefore advisable that you go for a design that you totally feel comfortable with. The design below looks so much like a live spider moving behind the ear, a fact that makes it so artistic and elegant.
Choice of Artist: Another factor that should influence your choice of tattoo design is the artist that you intend to use for inking the design. Apart from you being comfortable, the artist you choose should also be well conversant with the design so as to get the ideal artistic design that you desire.
Uniqueness of the design: It’s always exciting when you wear a nice behind the ear tattoo design and then have friends asking you who the artist is and where you got the design theme from. It somehow reinforces your confidence in the artwork and a feeling that you are unique which can be very encouraging.
The behind the ear tattoo design below is just amazing, the pink knot looks fantastic with the black and pink color blending perfectly well with the wearer. The design looks perfect on ladies just like in the design below.
Tattoos have a way of expressing the wearer’s character and the meaning associated with the design which at times may be quite personal to the wearer just like in the behind the ear tattoo design below.
Although behind the ear tattoos can be worn by both men and women, they look quite subtle, cute and appealing when worn by ladies. The behind the ear tattoo design below looks simple yet elegant and blends quite well with the wearer.
One aspect that makes behind the ear tattoo designs unique is the fact that it can be easily hidden especially when the design carries some special meaning for the wearer . The behind the ear tattoo design below looks spectacular with the owl theme enhancing the overall outlook of the design.
Use of one color in a tattoo design has a way of enhancing the outlook of the tattoo just like in the below behind the ear tattoo design. The artwork is great and blends quite well with the wearer’s complexion.
When wearing a tattoo it is ideal that you consider a design that you will be comfortable with having for a longer period of time. This is because wearing a tattoo can be a painful experience if you are not yet used to although to some the pain may just be a tickling sensation.
The rose flower used in the behind the ear tattoo design below is such a cool piece of artwork. The color blends quite well with the overall complexion of the wearer which then creates such an eye-catching appeal.
Cool Behind the ear design ideas for Men
Behind the ear tattoo designs are known to be common with ladies however they equally look great on men. The men however looks more appealing with large behind the ear tattoo designs just like in the design below. The feather theme and the one color used on the design enhances the outlook of the wearer which is quite cool.
The behind the ear tattoo design below looks cool and very appealing considering the fact that the skin around the neck is tender and a subtle design like the one below is simply elegant.
When choosing colors for your design, its ideal that you choose colors that blend well with your complexion and the shape of the design. The flower theme used in the behind the ear tattoo design looks beautiful with the green color enhancing that natural appeal of the flower.
The skull and bones feature used in the behind the ear tattoo design below looks magnificent and may be perceived to carry some great meaning for the wearer. The thick black color used blends well with the wearer’s hair and skin, making the facial outlook to be more appealing.
Behind the ear tattoo design will often look outstanding especially when done with great artistic skills. Whether your tattoo choice is a small one or a big one, it is possible to have an outstanding design with behind the ear tattoos.
Tattooing is a wonderful form of art that many people find intriguing and exciting considering the symbolism and how it enhances one’s personality. Behind the ear tattoo design is becoming popular with numerous designs that are quite eye-catching and visually appealing. The design below is just one of its kind in regards to uniqueness and how it blends with the wearer.
There are a lot of features that inspire designing beautiful behind the ear tattoos. The design below looks spectacular especially when worn by a man. It demonstrates some element of masculinity and strength that is well blended in the colors and size of the design.
The behind the ear tattoos will always look amazing regardless of the size as long as the design is done by an artistically talented artist. The design below looks simple yet very elegant, a symbol of an eye. It may be perceived to mean that the wearer has some secret eyes behind the ears.
Beautiful cat symbol of the behind tattoo design with features and elements that greatly enhances the visual appeal of the wearer.
The Unique Beauty of the Behind the Ear Tattoos:
Behind the ear tattoos are some of the most unique and alluring tattoos due to the uncommon place the tattoos are worn. Touching behind the ears can at times bring that tingling sensation and having a tattoo permanently behind the ears can also be an anchor for beautiful memories.
The color or size used can have an impact on the general outlook of the behind the ear tattoo therefore it is ideal that you combine colors that are known to blend well just like in the design below. The patterns and color arrangement are well combined which then results into a more visually appealing look.
The beauty in the flowers is undeniable especially when used in an artistic way just like in the behind the ear tattoo design below. The color used in the design also blends quite well with the wearer of the tattoo.
The behind the ear tattoo design below is one of the most unique and fabulous designs, very appealing and simple. The color used is also quite magical and blends well with the wearer’s complexion.
The behind the ear tattoo design below is an amazing piece of artwork. The blend of blue, white and green colors creates such a harmonious and subtle feel on the place its worn.
The earlobes and behind the ear are known to be very sensitive and having a beautiful and artistically designed tattoo around the ear comes with some unique feelings and meaning associated with the design.
Behind the ear tattoo is also unique because it gives the tattoo lovers an opportunity to express their love for the art in a subtle and calm way without having to appear rebellious.
The colors used in the behind the ear tattoo design below blends quite well with the wearer’s hair and complexion. There are a variety of elements that can be associated with the inner ear tattoo and behind the ear tattoo with elements like feathers, flowers and musical nodes becoming some of the common ones.
The elements like the geometrical signs and tribal symbols are common with male tattoo lovers while the females mostly prefer more delicate designs like the floral ones. The behind the ear tattoo design below looks spectacular in the place where it is worn.
The space behind the ear may not be large enough for a bigger tattoo however if you are into large tattoos then you can maximize the space in a way that enhances the visual appeal of the area just like in the behind the ear tattoo design below.
Ear tattoos often tend to attract attention given the facial area is the place people tend to look at when they meet a person or when engaging closely. It is ideal that the design is artistically designed so as to enhance the general outlook of the wearer.
The curvy shape of the ear also helps in enhancing the outlook of the behind the ear tattoo designs just like in the design below. The design is artistically done with a beautiful color combination that makes it to entirely look visually appealing.
The Extra Care Required for Behind the Ear Tattoos:
Fixing a tattoo is normally a painful experience especially for those doing it for the first time and it normally require extra care and hygiene. The areas around the ear is part of the head and can be more painful therefore extra care is required for the behind the ear tattoos.
The floral behind the ear tattoo design below looks spectacular with the purple color of the flowers looking quite visually appealing. It can be perceived to be an expression of gentleness, love and any good feeling that the wearer may want to associate with it.
Taking good care of the behind the ear tattoo designs is quite vital as it is possible for the designs to take long before healing unlike tattoos inked in other parts of the body. The behind the ear tattoo design below looks cool and well placed behind the ear.
The behind the ear tattoo design below has taken the curvy shape of the ear, a fact that makes it easy to hide especially if the tattoo design is associated with some special meaning.
Simple and elegant is what best describes the floral design behind the ear tattoo below. It looks great and can be easily hidden.
To have a well designed behind the ear tattoo, its important that you choose a designer that is well conversant with the preferred design and has experience with tattooing designs behind the ear.
Although wearing tattoos have become a common practice the type of design and the place it is worn makes a big difference. The behind the ear tattoo design below is beautifully designed with the beautiful flowers cutely aligned.
The half moon behind the ear tattoo design below looks simple and elegant on the wearer and blends well with the wearer’s complexion.
Behind the ear tattoos can be easily matched with the earrings worn and can still easily be perceived as an earring. The ear tattoo design below looks fascinating with the bird symbol expressing beautiful meanings that are associated with the birds.
Use of symbols like algebra is common with behind the ear tattoo designs and the use of thick dark color makes the design to look more eye-catching and cool.
Floral elements of behind the tattoo design looks spectacular especially when worn by ladies. The color used in the design below combines quite well resulting into a great artistic work.
Behind the ear tattoos doesn’t have to be complex for them to be visually appealing, with an experienced and qualified artist, you can get a simple behind the ear tattoo design with the potential of enhancing your overall outlook in a great way.
The behind the ear tattoo design below looks quite huge and is such an attraction in the place it is worn. The way the animal is styled expresses deep meaning for the wearer which can be interpreted by the looking at the animal’s gaze.
Another good thing about behind the ear tattoo is the fact that the design can be inked using different colors. As long as the colors blend well, it ends up looking fabulous just like in the design below.
Use of quotes is also a feature that can be incorporated in the behind the ear tattoo designs. The style used in designing the tattoo design below looks simple yet quite appealing.
Different colors symbolize different meanings depending on the background of the wearer. The use of color black alongside color red looks magnificent as it matches perfectly with the wearer’s complexion.
The feather feature in behind the ear tattoo design below curves perfectly as it takes after the shape of the ear with the one color used greatly enhancing its overall outlook.
Ladies are known to love designs that look more feminine, simple and cute just as expressed in the behind the ear tattoo design below. The color used and where it is worn also enhances the outlook of the wearer.
Both the inner ear and the behind the ear tattoo designs expressed in the design below looks cool with a mixture of colors and different sizes of the stars that makes it more appealing.
So simple yet beautiful is the word that best describes star tattoo design below. The features blends quite well and fits perfectly behind the ear where it is worn.
There are numerous behind the ear tattoo ideas that you can choose from but its important to engage an experienced artist and the inking also needs to be carried out in a place that is very clean.
Choose designs that best expresses your attitude, character and personality. If you choose behind the scene tattoo design just for the sake of it then you may not end up with the desired design.
The behind the ear tattoo design below looks cool and elegant with the design of the symbol greatly enhancing the wearer’s overall outlook.
When it comes to fixing tattoos it is exciting as well when you can come up with designs that are more personal like a signature mark or even customized designs that the wearer can easily identify with.
The behind the ear tattoo design below is quite small yet complex and such an attraction considering the many branches of the tree feature.
When using different colors on the behind the tattoo design, precaution should be taken so that the wearer ends up with a design that blends well.
You can make your behind the ear tattoo design more stunning by incorporating some color especially on features like a flower just as demonstrated in the design below.
Behind the ear tattoo also gives the tattoo lovers an opportunity to ink customized designs that they feel more connected and passionate about.
The alignment of the tattoo with the ear makes it to look more visually appealing and eye-catching. The dark color also greatly highlights the complexion of the wearer.
When inking a behind the ear tattoo ultimate care should be taken so as to avoid any mistakes in the design that may arise. This is because if the design is big then covering it becomes difficult and behind the ear is also a very visible place.